Sister Standards and Values

Our Experts, Consultants, and Professionals,

No Harm OATH

As Experts, Consultants and Professionals, all information, advice and consultations exchanged are meant to bring you and anyone else you may share our information with, No Harm. We are here to help you in the balance of your mind, body, soul and spirit. Our intentions are to bring you hope, give you helpful information as well as share the love of Christ and His teachings with you. DOVEN or any Expert, Consultant and Professional will not be held accountable for any decisions including misinterpretations you make from receiving information exchanged.

Exercise, Fitness and Nutrition

 If you have been directed by your physician to follow any program including medication prescribed by him or her, please continue to follow your doctor orders, according to your discretion. These programs have not been created as a replacement of any of your doctor’s orders, but as a supplement as you see fit. Furthermore, before starting any exercise or fitness regimen we recommend you consult your physician.

Business Directory

 All of the content on this website has been designed to help you in the areas of the mind, body, soul and spirit. The Business directory has been designed to be used as a great advertisement tool for business owners (which mostly are DOVEN members) many who are Life coaches, hair stylist, restaurant owners and such. Whether small, newly formed or grand, we hope you can support these businesses, and reap a great benefit from this networking. However, DOVEN will not be held accountable for any transactions you make with the businesses listed, including customer service, or any financial transactions.  We encourage all business owners, connections and networking to be done with integrity, honesty, respect and extraordinary service.


Be Inspired and Be an Inspiration

All of the content on this website has been designed to help you in the areas of the mind, body, soul and spirit. The testimonies and life experiences presented by any DOVEN member published in the program (whether by print, photos, videos) are to be inspiring, encouraging, enlightening with hopes for you in overcoming any struggles or frailties you may be facing. All testimonies are regarded to the utmost with respect and is considered sensitivity information. Please do not copy, forward, print or share another DOVEN’s sister testimony outside of the Doven’s parameters, without her written consent.

Social Media, Code of Conduct online and on Location

 All of the content on this website has been designed to help you in the areas of the mind, body, soul and spirit. We have connected our website to the facebook social media site. We ask that dignity and respect be posted and presented at all times while, communicating and sharing your testimonies of faith, victory and healing. Please do not use profanity, inappropriate language, gestures on any social media site or in photos, or while on location at any event. As DOVEN sisters, we expect to conduct ourselves with modesty, sobriety, and as Daughters of Christ.

By becoming a member of DOVEN, I acknowledged that I’ve read the above DOVEN Sister Standards and Values and will abide by the guidelines. Failure to follow these standards may result in removal of my membership.